If governments want to show support for families, they must uphold our right to a healthy environment.
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On Mother’s Day, I look forward to spending time with my family, but this year I will also be in the company of other mothers and their families who will be gathering together for our kids. We will be celebrating life and standing up for the future of the planet and our children.
Bringing new life into this world brings with it joy and a deep sense of responsibility. That’s why being a parent today involves much more than managing household chores and extracurricular activities. With the climate crisis affecting families nationwide, taking climate action has become a crucial parenting skill. For many mothers, that means adding advocating for a safe and healthy planet to our to-do list, alongside the many other tasks we juggle every day.
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As we prepare for another heavy forest fire season, with wildfires already burning in northern Alberta, and the prospect of more smoky air and unpredictable weather in Montreal, we have a simple request this Mother’s Day: We don’t want flowers — we want decision-makers to tackle the climate crisis head-on with the urgency it deserves.
We’ve had enough of increasing fossil-fuel-driven greenhouse-gas emissions, while our forests burn and we face growing food insecurity and climate extremes. We’ve had enough of companies being allowed to pollute the air with toxic chemicals, like Glencore releasing dangerous levels of arsenic in Rouyn-Noranda. We’ve had enough of overconsumption and planned obsolescence. We’ve had enough of the destruction of our remaining natural environment and loss of the beautiful biodiversity of this province.
Instead of their habitat being protected from development, endangered Western chorus frogs in Longueuil are being moved to the Biodome. Instead of unveiling the full long-awaited strategy for the protection of caribou, the Quebec government released partial measures for only three of 13 populations. Instead of receiving increased funding for public transit to take more cars off the road and decrease emissions, transit agencies face a dire budget shortfall and the City of Montreal is consulting with the public for solutions.
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Across Canada, climate change is having increasing impacts on our communities and our kids every year. The national greenhouse-gas emissions report shows that Canada is making some progress, but not quickly enough. The oil and gas industry remains the largest source of emissions in Canada, and according to the Climate Institute, regulating these companies will be the only way to meet our emissions targets.
Researchers at Université Laval reported that 85 per cent of the Quebecers believe in the urgency of climate action and want governments, companies and individuals to undertake profound changes. While we’re doing our best to take care of our kids and raise healthy families, we expect decision makers to do their part by taking care of our communities and putting people over industry’s bottom line.
So what would be the best gift we could receive this Mother’s Day? Serious climate action that puts the most vulnerable first, including kids. If governments want to show their support for families, they must uphold our right to a healthy environment and assess all decisions for their impact on the environment and future generations. They must lead the transition away from fossil fuels, including implementing a strong emissions cap on oil and gas without loopholes or delays. They must enshrine protection for at least 30 per cent of land and water — everywhere — to preserve biodiversity and protect species like the caribou.
On Mother’s Day, in different corners of the province, Mères au front and their allies are rising up to protect our children and all life: In Montreal, starting at noon in Parc Frédéric-Back on Sunday, we are celebrating Mother Earth and calling for more action with music and art — “Ensemble pour nos enfants” — together for our kids. All are welcome.
Jennifer Smith lives in Mile End and is a founding member of For Our Kids Montreal and a member of Mères au front — networks of parents taking climate action.
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